Friday, January 16, 2009


I will apologize upfront for what may seem like a nonsensical rant. Where I work frustrates me greatly. The root of the problem is a mix of passive aggressiveness and simple laziness. I suppose most people can relate to following example. I am currently assigned multiple projects. This is the nature of my job and I have no problem juggling multiple deliverables. The problem is that the time lines are incompatible. Recently one of my projects was moved to another developer. The problem is the project manager made the decision and informed me but not the receiving developer and for some reason she still comes to me for updates and deliverables. My typical work week goes very similar to the following. Projects A, B, C, D all have a documented estimate of 24 working hours to complete.
  • Monday Morning - Begin working on Project A
  • Monday Afternoon - Directed to change focus to Project B items only
  • Tuesday - Directed to work on Project B only
  • Wednesday - Directed to stop work on Project B and work on a Project C item
  • Thursday Morning - Continue work on Project C items
  • Thursday Afternoon - Directed to stop work on Project C and resume Project B
  • Friday Morning - Directed to work on Project D
*** To this point although the constant change is annoying I actually just fine Friday Afternoon (Here's the punchline) I am approached with the following:
  • Have you made any progress on Project A?
  • When will Project A be complete?
  • Why aren't you finished with Project B?
  • Its really important that Project D is finishedfor client
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    review today, and you need to at least migrate something for Project C to review.
I know some of you may be saying, "Well perhaps she doesn't understand or realize the time lines are overlapping". She does, I've mapped it out before. Even in the face of logic there is an almost will full ignorance. I have sat down and said, "O.K. we have an 8 hour work day here but you have slated for delivery these three items with a combined estimate of 32 hours". All I get is a blank stare. It's not that shes dumb, she knows. Its as though she is simply hoping against hope that hope alone will somehow make it possible. In a nutshell my frustration is the willful and deliberate continued ignorance in the presence of enlightenment. end rant

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