Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Rain on your parade

I haven't blogged in a few days. I think the main reason is that I have been overwhelmed lately. My last official day at my previous job was Friday and I am afraid it didn't turn out so well. Add to that lack of sleep and a possible broken furnace, and then start a new job. It's just been draining. I am really trying to keep a positive attitude overall throughout everything but I have to admit that it has been hard. I had really hoped to have a little time to catch my breath over the weekend between jobs and steel my resolve in regard to my resolutions. No such luck. In a way I had to chuckle right as things started to unravel. I was in the middle of one bad set of circumstances but in a way it only serve to prepare me for more. Figuratively speaking I just hunkered down and waited out the rainstorm. It seems for the most part the storm is subsiding but I think there may be a few more wild spots before its through.

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