Thursday, February 5, 2009

So cold

I've always had a problem keeping warm. Even as a kid I would sleep on next to or around a heater. I was notorious for turning on a space heater or one of those oil heaters and putting my blanket over it to create a "hot pocket". Although I have always had a problem with it I have noticed more often that I am having a hard time keeping my hands and feet in particular very warm. Most of the time my toes are just freezing cold as are my hands. Warming them up in water or in front of a heater only seems to last as long as they remain in the source of heat. I have often been told that it is a matter of poor circulation and for a while I was taking cayenne pepper capsules as they were supposed to be of some help. I have been trying to think back and remember if the problem was as persistent during the period where I was exercising quite a bit as it is now. Regardless I am going to try to motivate myself to getting back to working out. I really did like the way I felt. I am not real sure why my interest level decreased so rapidly. I think perhaps if the exercise doesn't help it may be time to see a doctor. I qualified as super duper healthy on my exam and blood work for insurance so I am pretty sure I don't have a significant cholesterol issue. I am not a smoker, which I have been told can sometimes affect blood flow. I suppose I have shied away from discussing the issue with my doctor out of fear of what the problem might be.


Lord of Filing said...

I come into work and I see two kinds of people daily: The type that are sitting in their cube shivering even though the heat's on full blast, and the type that sit there with three fans on them because it's too hot, even when the air conditioning is making the rest of us have runny noses.

If you press them about it, there's nothing "wrong" with either of them. They simply have different tolerances for heat and cold. Simple as that.

If you're truly scared of the doctor, there's a permanent solution that would have some nice side benefits, too:

Live in Florida. Or California. Or somewhere else along the coast where it is never cold. :)

Randi T. said...

Yeah but I hate the coasts because it's humid which is bad for my allergies. :)

I still say try something aerobic for a month before becoming too worried.