Monday, September 28, 2009

Manic Monday

Last week was productive. I've started to pull myself together and make progress on the many things I've let linger for far to long. I put aside my driving need to have things done a certain way and just got them done for now. If they really need done the way I want then I'll fix them but there is no since leaving everything a mess while I wait for one piece to come together. Perhaps that is the quality I have always lacked. The ability to keep moving forward and not get hung up. Here's a quick look back at last week.
  • Cleaned up and organized the basement.
  • After more than a year I did the last few items of pre-drywall work in the basement, including moving a wall.
  • Scheduled and passed the pre-drywall inspection.
  • Worked on finishing the garage drywall.
  • Went through, reduced, and organized a LOT of paperwork.
  • Worked on and published a full baseline website for the business.
I'm not sure I can pinpoint any catalyst and I am not sure when it happened, but at some point I just realized I'm still making excuses for myself. I'm always "going to do something" and yet somehow it never really gets done. I have to start simply doing and I have to stop getting hung up on things I can't control. There is a part of me that worries that this is nothing more than a mild manic episode. Experience has taught me that while these episodes can be incredibly efficient in getting things done, the energy rarely lasts and in the end you find you've once again taken on more than your capable of maintaining. Is that what the business is? Even though I've been focused I've still taken a good amount of time to relax. I played Little Big Planet with wife and Mike, watched some TV, and played some games. The fact that I was not constantly working makes me think perhaps its something longer lived than a simple burst of mania. My mind is still consumed with countless things, I've just found a stronger will to focus. Part of that will is born in the realization that my biggest excuse comes from involving others. Its not that working with other people is bad, but its easier to get tripped up and loose your momentum. In the end if its your task its your responsibility. I'm not suggesting that you shouldn't work with other people. Only that if you do, don't let their hang up become yours. Keep moving forward!

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