Monday, March 2, 2009

Jeff Dunham

Last Thursday my best friend invited my wife and I to go with him and his wife to see Jeff Dunham at Conseco Fieldhouse. The show was part of his Spark of Insanity Tour. He's been doing this tour for a while now. I had seen it on DVD some time ago so while I was looking forward to it I thought I was pretty prepared for what I would see. I was wrong! Guitar guy has an entire act before Jeff comes on stage. He's very entertaining and talented on the guitar. Until this show I didn't even know that he spoke much less did stand up. I was really impressed by the whole experience. If you've seen the show on TV it is still VERY worth seeing it live. Peanut was a little more hyper than usual and Akmed was funny as always. I was however unprepared for how big of a hit Bubba J was. I was never that fond of the act myself. Something about the character I just don't relate to or seems overplayed like some remnant of the "you might be a redneck if" era of comedy. For whatever the reason Indiana loves him, although in retrospect I suppose the affinity shouldn't surprise me. Even Jeff thought that it was a little creepy as the entire audience chanted aloud each punchline. All in all a VERY good time and a welcome break from our normal weekend routine.

1 comment:

Lord of Filing said...

If I could somehow acquire Bubba J and burn him at the stake, I think I could die happy. If I never did another thing it wouldn't matter, my life's work would be complete.

Having said that, I wish I'd gone to the show, Bubba or no.