Tuesday, January 5, 2010


This post is a little late in part due to recent illness. Never the less its time to tackle resolutions. Last years resolutions actually didn't turn out too bad. This year I decided to focus on some core issues.
1. Drastically reduce / stop cussing. I have come to realize that I cuss a lot more often than I should.
2. Stop being passive-aggressive or change the manner in which it manifests itself. One definition for insanity is repeating the same process and expecting different results. At my core I am people pleaser. I say what people want to hear and not necessarily what I think. I let things "slide" that I shouldn't, and I don't stand up for myself as often as I should. All in the name of avoiding confrontation or because I'm worried about how someone might "feel". Well, what about how I "feel"? That never seems to make it into the equation, until now. Maybe some people will think I'm a jerk, maybe they will be right. Regardless, for my own sanity I'm going to make my real opinion known and let the cards fall where they may.
3. Stop procrastinating. For the record, the irony in the fact that this blog entry is late did not escape me. Everything in my life has seemed to center around waiting and patience. Patience is abused virtue for putting off what you don't want to do. What I need is a task list. It will help me remember what I need to do an allow me to judge how well I am staying on task.
4. Try and take one day a week for myself / us. Last year there were times where it seemed we never had a free moment. This year I am going to try and set aside one day week in which I will not have any scheduled commitments that are not leisurely and of my own choosing. This may not be possible as I am sure that things will come up from time to time. Even at the most hectic of times I hope to be able to set aside at least 1 day every two weeks.
5. Try to keep up with correspondence. I have the best of intentions but I have a bad habit of not following up with people when I say I will. I need to change that. I need to make the time to follow through.
6. Try to get back in shape. I don't really need to loose anymore weight but I'm sure I could stand to tone up a little bit. For a while last year I was working out pretty regular but then somewhere things sort of fell apart.
That's all for now.

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