Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Zero Punctuation

I must admit that lately I've been indulging a bit of an obsession.  Sometime ago a friend introduced me to an online game review video type blog on The Escapist Magazine called Zero Punctuation. The author doing the reviews is a British born gentleman currently living in Australia. What makes his game reviews so unique is the format. The reviews are animated in his own trademarked style. As the name might suggest he speaks at a very fast pace as he literally picks games apart.

It's a combination of things that keeps me enthralled. His rate of speech while considered fast paced is at the speed in which I wish all conversations took place. Also his frequent use of color metaphors and comparisons for illustrating his point hits close to home. Metaphors have long been my preferred method for communicating not just a thought but the feeling behind it. His brand of humor is sarcastic but honest in way I can relate to.

I've been listening to his reviews for weeks now, waiting impatiently each Wednesday for him to release a new one. Last night / this morning while searching on YouTube I stumbled across a number of people who either subtly or just blatantly try to recreate Yahtzee's (his nickname) style but it always falls short. Everyone I watched had some of the same elements but never enough to create that winning combination. I just find combination of his rate of speech, accent, and humor oddly soothingly.

I must admit there is a part of me that desperately wants to do something similar. The problem is I know I would fall short. More than that I think an effort to copy someone is misguided. I think if I ever decided to try some type of review etc I would need to find my own angle to make it unique. Food for thought.

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