Thursday, January 28, 2010

Resolutions - progress so far

So far this year I feel like I've made practically no progress towards my goals / resolutions. I suppose I am cussing less than usual but I am sure I could make a better effort than I have been. Part of my problem has been that I am tired. It seems like I am more tired more often. My wife thinks it may have something to do with the sunlight. It seems like I don't sleep very well and I can barely get up in the morning. Where as I used to get up and go in the mornings I feel like its all I can do to drag myself out of bed and shuffle around for a few hours.
Perhaps I just need to give myself a kick in the pants. I have changed my diet recently. I am trying to really cut back on my sugar intake as well as increase the amount of water I drink. I don't drink very much in general and what I do drink is usually not water. I've started working out for at least a half hour every other day. My arms were already sore before a started so I've been trying not to life to much weight at once. I need to get all the gym equipment in order so I can actually do a real full workout again.

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